XBRL parsing in Natural - or what's best?

Hello ev’ryone - I’m back with my fingers deep down in the … Natural code :smiley:

I am now working on OpenVMS (5.1.1 on Alpha so far) and have bumped into a new buzz word: XBRL, which I think a lot of people in EU will do too in the years to come.

I don’t know much about XBRL - I suppose it’s an enhancement of XML, with rules or forms included in its syntax? But in a Natural based back-end system, can I parse XBRL the same way as XML? XML should be doable on 5.1.1, but better on 6. How are things for XBRL?

Hope to get some bright ideas here - I have not found too many hits on softwareag.com other than some old lines about Tamino and EntireX.

Regards and salute,


Natural 5.1 does not support XBRL, it is not possible to parse XBRL like XML.


Thank you for your reply. I see it’s not mentioned in the newest NAT6.3.9 manual either (in case we change platform), so it doesn’t seem to be handled by Natural in near future.