WmTestSuite: How are you running tests on your CI server?

Dear all,

As a long-time user and fan of WmTestSuite I have so far used the WmBuildTools to build/compile the package, install it, and the run the tests. There is a learning curve, but it has always done the job well for me.

Since I am currently working on a small YouTube video for CI/CD, I was wondering if there are better ways to do this.

So I have looked at the official documentation for v10.15 and it seems that the regular way is the use of a WmTestSuiteExecutor as per chapter 10, section “Continuous Integration”.

It seems to me that for building and installing the package it uses ABE and Deployer under the hood. Is that understanding correct?

If so, what are your experiences with it? Since Deployer has an “application-centric” view (as opposed to a set of discrete IS packages), this seems to be quite some complexity that is not needed. Sure, I can create Deployer projects for each package. But it is a lot of work and complexity with zero gain for this use-case.

How are you doing this?


Hi Christophe,
fyi there is now a new version called WmUnitTestManager available from the package registry


The advantage with this version is that it no longer requires Installer and can be simply dropped into any Integration Server or MSR and it includes a new API that allow you to remote manage it.

It can also detect any test suites and automatically run them, with the results all available through the new API.

I am planning on a tech article to go through all the new features soon.


Thanks, John! That seems to be a good alternative.

It appears that I cannot access the tool without Empower download access. Any thoughts about this?


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