we use wM4.6 with TN4.6 on win2K platform.

Within the flow loop, checking on some conditions, I should continue the loop and on other conditions I should break the loop and go out.
A sample flow as follows :

SEQUENCE (Exit on Success)
SEQUENCE (Exit on Failure)
step 1
step 2
step 3 PROCESS: LOOP (ArrayList)
step 4 getFileList (retrieves a list of files from harddisk)
step 5 BRANCH (Check if the output of getFileList array length and if > 0 continue loop)
step 6 (do action 1)
step 7 (do action 2)
step 8 (do action 3)
step 9 continue (PROCESS)
step 10
step 11
step 12
step 13
SEQUENCE (Exit on Done)
alert via email;

It is like continue; break in JAVA language.
Any pointers how to do with flow?

Thanks and Regards

step 5 BRANCH (Check if the output of getFileList array length and if > 0 continue loop) - Check evaluate flags = true & label = array length
SEQUENCE1: label = arraylength > 0
Do whatever you want to do
SEQUENCE2: default
Send email and EXIT from loop/flow


Here is another way:

SEQUENCE (Exit on Success)
…SEQUENCE (Exit on Failure)
…step 1
…step 2
…step 3 PROCESS: LOOP (ArrayList)
…new step MY_LABEL: SEQUENCE (exit on failure)
…step 4 getFileList (retrieves a list of files from harddisk)
…step 5 BRANCH sizeOfList
… 0: EXIT MY_LABEL (this will exit the sequence but continue the loop)
…step 6 (do action 1)
…step 7 (do action 2)
…step 8 (do action 3)
…step 9 continue (PROCESS)
…step 10
…step 11
…step 12
…step 13
…SEQUENCE (Exit on Done)
alert via email;

Hi Vinod n Rob,
Thanks for your suggestions.
Followed Rob’s suggestions. It works.
Vinod, your suggestion would work but, I need to insert additional sequence.

Thanks n Regards