
This kind of error I am getting Plz help me
com.wm.pkg.art.error.DetailedServiceException: [ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource.
Unable to start connection XXX:XXXConn: after 1 attempt(s). [ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource”. Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor The Connection descriptor used by the client was: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=1521)(HOST=xxx.xx.xxx.xx))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=qaz2)))

Thanks in advance

Obvoiusly, on the Oracle host you are trying to connect, there is no SID called qaz2. Check with your DBA about correct info and how to configure the oracle client.