WM 61 Rosettanet Implementation

Hi ,

I am new to the Rosettanet Implementation, Modeler is manadatory component for Rosettanet implementation? is there any other way to generate buyer & Suppliers Models.

Thanks & Regards
Rambabu J


Starting from IS6.x framework,due to ConversationManagement is removed and so making use of WMModeler and WMPRT services is the only way to do RNet implementations,this is what WM came up with.

Thanks for your Quick Reply,

so in that case i need to have WMMonitor package also , to enable and disable the processes which are generated using WM Modeler.

Thanks & Regards
Rambabu J

yes you got it.

The RN conversation scripts used in RN 4.6 were actually generated by Modeler also (actually, a predecessor named Business Integrator). Just that in RN 4.6 that component is optional…