Why the pool has no connections

when I using pooled connnections,I got such exceptions:
com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common.TPreconditionViolation: No pool has been found, thus no connection is available!
at com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common.TContractVerifier.precondition(TContractVerifier.java:31)
at com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.connection.TConnectionPoolManager.getConnection(TConnectionPoolManager.java:94)
at cn.edu.gxeea.base.StorageContext.(StorageContext.java:60)
at cn.edu.gxeea.entity.plan.builder.MajorPlanItemBuilder.main(MajorPlanItemBuilder.java:46)

My code is:
if(poolManager == null)
poolManager = TConnectionPoolManager.getInstance();
connection = poolManager.getConnection(“System”);

and the ManagedConnectionPools.xml is:



When I check the value of poolManager,I found in it’s HashMap all item are null. and when it got to the getConnection function call,exception was thrown. but I use the same database url in the IE, it works fine.
any suggestion?

[This message was edited by Feingray on 28 Apr 2002 at 08:36.]

What happens if you specify a value for Password in ManagedConnectionPools.xml?

Have you the directory where you put the ManagedConnectionPools.xml on your classpath?


the problem is the password is null. It seems that the API will not work if user id is null or password is null, when I add a user with a password on the HTTP server, it works well.