I hava a Flow Service like this:
... (do something here)
... (do something here)
EXIT from $parent and signal FAILURE (I also filled the Failure Message)
... (do something here)
Invoke: pub.flow:getLastError
Invoke: pub.flow:debugLog (The message contains: %lastError/error%)
The problem is: in SEQUENCE (CATCH), the pub.flow:getLastError doesn’t return lastError output, which means the lastError output is null. Suppose it works, the lastError/error should contains the filled Failure Message.
It seems when called EXIT from $parent and signal FAILURE, it doesn’t throw any Exception information for getLastError. Is that true?
On contrary, for the case of EXIT from $flow and signal FAILURE, it will generate exception that can be catched in Catch Sequence (of course, you must have a parent flow service that has try-catch sequence). Then if you call getLastError there, you will get exception information. But for EXIT from $parent and signal FAILURE, the getLastError doesn’t return any exception information, even after giving getLastError service as the first step under catch block. I don’t know why.