While pusing a ZIP file to microservice in cumulocity tenant through CICD process getting error

While pusing a ZIP file to existing and freshly created microservice in cumulocity tenant through CICD process getting error.

In Zip file there is cumulocity.json & image.tar files. It was working fine earlier from 2 days it is giving error in all tenants not only for 1 instance.

*{“error”:“Push failed on image /Internal Server Error”,“message”:“Push failed on image : Config file does not .json extension.”,“info”:"


This is a problem with the later versions of Docker, in the created manifest.json - ‘config’ no longer has .json suffix.

We have fixed it at future versions but for now you must use Docker 24.

If i skip build image with skip c8y docker image option as “true” will that work or need to use Docker24 ?

Skipping building the image results in not having any image/archive in the end you can upload.
You have to build it with a docker version < 25 until the fix is deployed in your environment unfortunately.

Fix versions…

CD - 1020.383.0
2024 - 1018.540.125
10.18 - 1018.0.414
10.17 - 1017.0.521