I installed the 6.5 version of IS, WmModeler, WmPRT, WmMonitor on Windows.
Then I ran all the script options in
When I start IS, when the WmPRT package is started I get an error “table not found”, The message does not specify which table is missing.
Are there additionl DB scripts that must be run for Modeler?
please install the following Scripts additionally (They are currently not available for the DB Installer).
<WM_ROOT>/common/db/scripts/create/create_iscoreaudit_6-5_Oracle.sql (if you plan to put error data, session data, etc. in the database.
<WM_ROOT>/common/db/scripts/create/create_idr_6-5_Oracle.sql (for Duplicate Detection)
For the Modeler Design Time Data you will have to look for <WM_ROOT>/common/db/scripts/create/create_RepoV3_6-5_Oracle.sql
Holger, thanks for your quick reply.
I ran the scripts that you described. They produced “table created
OK, I got it now. My problem was that my tables were created under user SYS, instead of MYUSER.
Here is what I did
- dropped all tables (as SYS)
- created all tables (as MYUSER) (note: the scripts do not create processaudit tables)
- ran the script …\common\db\scripts\oracle\oracle.bat
The processaudit menu asks for ‘DBLINK’ for processaudit and iscoreaudit. The answer to these prompts looks like this:
Thanks again Holger.