Where is UniversalMessaging used?


my question arose from this thread.

The question is: where is Universal Messaging used? Can anybody name some examples or projects where it is used as a real product and not as a backing system for the Integration Server?

we have quite a number of use-cases where UM is used outside of integration server. A number of which Iā€™ve worked on historically. Many often utilize JMS versus using the native clients, but there are a number of different customers who use the native libraries of UM to achieve things beyond what JMS offers, or needed to interface from a technology where JMS isnā€™t so prevalent.


This is interesting. Does this mean that itā€™s possible to send and consume messages via the JMS API even when the other side does not use JMS? I.e. use an UM channel via the JMS API with the ā€œpublish/subscribeā€ pattern.

This would probably make my job simpler because there are many libs facilitating usage of JMS. Whereas with the native UM code Iā€™m on my own.

Could you shed some light on this?

Thank you!

You can use the UM JMS libraries to work with it via JMS in both directions
You CAN also bridge between UM native and JMS.

A few years back I wrote a C# native publisher that was consumed via JMS (in Integration server), and also wrote a C# subscriber, with a JMS publisher.

Some documentation was added post my work to help:
JMS Message Type Conversion (softwareag.com)

There were also some tech community articles I wrote that I can no longer locate - but these are probably out of date now anyway. Regardless Iā€™ll sort through my archives and see what I can find :slight_smile:

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Found the documents from my former life :wink:

Please be aware that these are now quite old, but just attached here for completeness. You should really dig into the documentation on UM which will have been updated considerably since these were created (8 years ago!), e.g. the documentation link I sent on the type conversion didnā€™t exist when I created the samples :smiley:

Broker-um-csharp-compare.pdf (393.2 KB)
Broker-UM-csharp-Subscription-DRAFT.pdf (487.3 KB)
sample.txt (10.3 KB)

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Dave, thatā€™s very cool! Thank you for the links! Just one more question before I dive into the docs, just to possibly avoid unneeded work:

The JMS bridge you mentioned is a integral part of a UM installation and must not be installed and licensed separately, right?

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Both the native API access and JMS work with the standard UM license.
Really JMS is just working on-top of the UM native channels/topics with a few JMS specifics added around ā€˜subscriber interestā€™ detection, etc.

With UM there is 3 types of license

  1. Active/Passive - which was used as a straight broker swap
  2. Active/Active - For an active/active cluster
  3. UM Fully Featured, adds support for AMQP/MQTT and more.

See here for the differences between license types: License Types and Feature Sets (softwareag.com)

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