IS Documentation says a snapshot of all pipeline fields will be saved in memory under the key provided by $name.
My Question here is where in memory does this pipeline gets saved?
I tried to save one file “memory.xml” using this savePipeline Service.
But when I tried to search the entire IS folder, I was not able to see this file created anywhere. Not in Pipeline folder too.
But I could retrieve the contents using pub.flow:restorePipeline service. Can anyone help me in understanding where in memory does this pipeline file gets saved?
mate when you use the service pub.flow:savePipeline, the paramater you set in the $name field of your service goes and rests in the system’s volatile memory (RAM) as a pointer. This $name paramater acts as a pointer to certain fields that you saved when you called the savePipeline servcie. When you restart the server these values will be erased as i told you the data sits in the volatile memory of the system which is not editable.