i have a Tab
and 3 hideable panels in a form with submit group in the same form - but when i am adding any field from Business Data the Accept Button does’nt work .
what is this …
Jasmeen Kaur
i have a Tab
and 3 hideable panels in a form with submit group in the same form - but when i am adding any field from Business Data the Accept Button does’nt work .
what is this …
Jasmeen Kaur
whe i drag and drop a field ,
the value contains this - #{Podetailsviewdefaultviewview.podetails.taskData.proposals.project_info.initiatePO.poservices.poservice.gr_price}
i removed this and manually mappped the value for the field - Now the Accept button works
But submit button is not working - it is not saving the data entered for the field from UI .
Jasmeen Kaur
The field i was dragging and dropping was a document list - so i have changed it to document …and it is working .
But when i click submit nothing gets saved , when i click complete - data is saved and task gets completed - still to figure this out .
Any suggestions …
Jasmeen Kaur
The code associated with those two events and the Actions attached to them are doing the same thing?