What service does WebMethods provide that allows you to write a line from a CSV to a file?

I’m using webMethods 10 and am looking to iteratively process a large CSV file. After reading this thread


My question was what pre-defined service does webMethods provide that let’s you take one row of a CSV file and write that to another file, possibly as an XML node or in another format?

Currently my flow looks like the attached screen shot. I’m trying to figure out what steps I need to include under the “SEQUENCE” section after “pub.flatFile.convertToValues.”


please remap the ffIterator back to input of convertToValues service so the service knows the position in the file during next iteration.
To do so, copy the ffIterator variable from output to the input side of the step and link it to the ffIterator input of the convertToValues service.

Under the SEQUENCE you can add the logic to build up the target structure per each record being processed.
