Welcome to the Managed File Transfer (MFT) forum!

Welcome to the new forum where you can discuss things related to the Software AG Managed File Transfer (MFT) product offering, webMethods ActiveTransfer.

Let the conversation begin!

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Hi David,

What is Managed File Transfer (MFT)?

Is it a tool to transfer files between partners? Can you please share some more information (like links or docs) in detail.

Also can you let us know in which version of wM do we have this product integrated.

I am very eager to know about MFT.

Hi Mahesh,

Managed File Transfer is a capability that does intra-company or B2B/partner file transfers.

Here are some things that might help:

webMethods ActiveTransfer is available on webMethods v8.2 SP2 and newer.


Thanks David I will have a look at the below links :arrow:

Great stuff.

Is this to best forum to get in touch with other users of MFT?

Has there been a customer story I could reference or a perhaps a reference customer?

Yes Adrian to start here with MFT forum and to share info each other:)

Adrian, there’s an upcoming webcast on MFT which features reference customer Tory Burch.

Here is the link: http://www.softwareag.com/webinars/corporate/partners_reality.asp

Where is webClient GUI? Is it integrated with MWS or IS admin page or we have some different UI for that. If there is a different UI from where can I find the URL for that.

All MFT administration is done via MWS portal.


After configuring the MWS and everything. WebClient GUI is the point for uploading and downloading files right??? I mean to ask is it the point to kick start the File Transfer process???

Yes where ever you are pointing the dirs to pick/upload and send the files via FTP.


I have configured MWS for a basic sample run. But to test it (for sharing, uploading or downloading Files)I need to log in to webClient UI, which I am not able to do (both with my credentials OR default Administrator, manage credentials). Its allowing me to login , but I am forced to log out after a moment. I believe we can’t have a sample run without resolving this issue right ???

Does administrator and manage is the default credentails for that Or Do we have something else for it. Please help me out ASAP.

Can some have any idea on the issue mentioned above. its Kind of urgent.


You may have better luck posting the question as it’s own topic in the forum instead of in the “welcome” thread as more people may see it. Another option may be to contact support.


Hi David,

Thanks for your suggestion. I have started on a topic named web Client in MFT. If you have the idea about that issue mentioned over there. Can you please help me out.


Port number is from Server Management >Ports

Dear All,

Am new to MFT.

Please provide me some pointers on what is MFT and how to implment the same?

Any documentation would really be appreciated.


Hi Mahesh,

I dont see the link in your previous post.

Am new to MFT.

I would like to know how to implement MFT in webMethods.

Any pointers/documentation would really be helpful.


Kind Regards,