WebService Returning Invalid Username or Password

Hi All,

I need some help with an issue I am facing with a webService. we’re calling an internal webService, they have provided the wsdl and I imported it in 7.1.2 environment. It has inputs like UserAccount, Password and an XML input.

I have filled in all the information but did not provide any Auth parameters. I am receiving an error saying
"“Server was unable to read request. —> There is an error in XML document (9, 28). —> The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type. )

Now, What I did is that I changed the Input docTypes. I removed the tns: from the fields and then executed the connector. This time I’m receiving an error like "INVALID USERNAME OR PASSWORD".

The same credentials when used in a soapUI tool is returning correct results. Please let me know what might be missing. I changed the connector and service ACLS to Anonomous.

Do I need to pass any additional parameters?

Did you try setting the ACL to "Anonymous" for the flow services that invokes your WSC (connectors)?

Now, What I did is that I changed the Input docTypes. I removed the tns: from the fields and then executed the connector. This time I’m receiving an error like "INVALID USERNAME OR PASSWORD"

What did you change exactly here? Did you see whether you are passing the correct credentials to the WSC.

As per my understanding I see something is wrong with the request being passed (wrong type) as the error says "Server was unable to read request. —> There is an error in XML document (9, 2. —> The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type. ) "

Can you try recreating the consumer (using WSDL) again.