webservice provider alias

Created a provider webservice ( to expose TestWS:sampleProviderWSD flow service) with alias ‘MyWSAlias’.

The URL http://host:port/ws/TestWS:sampleProviderWSD?WSDL
works fine and brings up the WSDL

How do I use the endpoint alias?

To test using endpoint alias I tried the below in the browser and did not get the wsdl

http://host:port/ws/MyWSAlias?WSDL ( no error just blank page shows up)
http://host:port/ws/MyWSAlias ( page not found)
http://host:port/MyWSAlias?WSDL ( page not found)
http://host:port/MyWSAlias ( page not found)


The endpoint producer alias just changes the endpoint returned by the WSDL.

e.g. I use it for making sure the WSDL returned has the loadbalancer URL in it rather than whatever the individual cluster node name is.

The path to the WSDL will be the:

So don’t go expecting that alias means anything. It doesn’t… You need the name you called it in the folder etc.

If we create HTTP URL Alias we can invoke the service using
http://host:port/aliasname without specifying folder or service name.
I thought the same is possible from webservice endpoint alias.


I have the same problem as sureshv.

I understand what nath says, meaning “MyWSAlias” is only used to generate the location in the wsdl, but in the end the location will still be http://host:port/ws/TestWS:sampleProviderWSD?WSDL.

But what happens when I deploy into production ? Do I have to create MyWSAlias in the IS, configuring it so that it points to my production host:port ? When I give my WSDL to the consumers, the location they see is my development server, so do they have to change the host:port in the WSDL so that they target my production server ?

Thank for any help !