Webmethods with Activemq JMS broker using SSL connection

I am looking for anyone who can help on how to configure JMS with SSL on the Integration Server.

We are using Active MQ as the JMS Provider. The aim is to use SSL transport connector for secure transmission

Hence I am looking for how do you setup a keystore. IS, JSSE or other?

How does one define the JMS Connection /certifcate/truststore properties in webMethods in order to make SSL jms connection with ActiveMQ Broker.

Just tested a jms connection from webemethods to Active MQ url(SSL:\localhost:61616) and received an error “Exception Creating QueueConnection using Connection factory “ConnectionFactory”.
Could not connect to broker URL: ssl://61618. Reason: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found”". I realy wanted to know how to go about adding the ActiveMQ certifcate in webMethods truststore for JMS connections. Thanks in advance.

My 1cent contribution: have you installed the CA cert (which signed the SSL cert installed in the JMS) in the IS?

This procedure is quite simple:

  1. Create the trust cert directory.
  2. Configure the IS to look for the certs there (IS Admin | Security | Certificates | Edit Certificates Setting.
  3. !IMPORTANT! Remember to refresh the cert cache