WebMethods to MQ Connection

we wrote a code in webMethods that monitors 15 queues those are existed in MQBox. In our code we loopover the queues, establish connection queue and gets the depth of the queue. After that it closes the Queue and disconnects the Queue Manager. we repeat samethging for 15 times. After that i looked at CHANNEL in the MQ Box. There is one connection is not closed. Can anybody have any idea, why it is happening like that…


Assuming that you are talking about the V3 adapter code…

Each msg handler has a ‘minimum number of connections’ property, which defaults to 1. Any value greater than zero causes the adapter to maintain that number of active connections at all times. This eliminates the cost of constantly opening/closing connections, but it carries the cost of having one or more active connections at all times. This can be eliminated by setting the value of this property to zero.