Can Anyone help me to set/use a variable from pipeline as timeout value in process? I have using 7.1.3. Actualy I need to know the format of the timeout value using Field Value. I have tried with “0d 20:29:20.132” for day hour min sec & ms. But face the following error “java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “0d 05:29:20.132” at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString …”
There is no documentation on how to set this value or how to use a parameter variable as timeout. Please help.
What is 0d in the time format that’s causing the issues…“0d 20:29:20.132”?
Please clarify on the format you given:
0d means 0 day. As I found in MWS page duration is like “0d 00:01:01.235”.
I have tried “05:29:20.132”, “0 05:29:20.132” , “00 05:29:20.132” , “0:05:29:20.132” & “00:05:29:20.132”. But not working.
Did you check the Process Development user guide also?
[COLOR=#333333][INDENT]It should be time in Milliseconds, value should be like 60000 for one minute timeout[/INDENT]