Webmethods Jobs Latest Demand Trends

webMethods global job demand trends for the month of April


Tibco and Biztalk retain the top 2 positions in EAI jobs.

[URL]http://jobgraphs.com/webmethods/[/URL] or


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-My post can be deleted. I know it doesn’t fit with the previous post, but the previous post also doesn’t fit with the category. But I often wanted to write this sentence.-

i’m wondering where their numbers come from.

Apprx. No. of webMethods jobs in the month of May

USA: 36 jobs
India: 8 jobs
Australia: 6 jobs
UK: 4 jobs

webMethods is on 5th position in terms of demand in EAI job market, where as Tibco and Biztalk occupy top 2 positions


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