webMethods Cloud Container-Deploying File Access Controls


In this article, you will learn how to deploy File Access Controls to Integration Server on Cloud Container.


webMethods Cloud Container - Introduction

Deploy File Access Controls

Make sure that the relative path of Custom packages folders is provided in fileAccessControl.cnf located at your On-Premise installation i.e.  SAG_Install_Directory\IntegrationServer\instances\Instance_Name\packages\WmPublic\config

In Designer go to Windows->Show View->Other-> Software AG Command Central-> Landscape Navigator. You will see your Already connected Command Central.

Expand IS Node. You will Notice File Permissions node. Expand it. You will notice File Access Control Permissions.

Right-Click on File Permissions Node and select Export Configurations.

Create a Project and Provide an Alias name. Also, make sure to select Format as YAML Source.

Click Next and Select Assets to be deployed.

Click Finish.

Project Explorer view will get open and You can see the created Project.

Right Click Project and select “Deploy Configurations to Cloud”.

Add your Template, which you want to Deploy.

Click Next and Select your Solution, which you have created on Cloud Container.

Click Finish. Integration Server Configurations will be deployed to Cloud Container.

Click OK.