webMethods API Gateway Q&A - Disabling of hostname verification for SSL certificates

Detailed explanation of the problem:

When the HTTPS endpoints of API Gateway are invoked with a self-signed certificate, then the Developer Portal displays the SSL exception message.

Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:

Exception: Caused by: [javax.net](http://javax.net/).ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Certificate for <IP ADDRESS> doesn't match any of the subject alternative names

Solved in webMethods Developer Portal 10.11 Fix 9. Below is the fix read me for user reference –
DPO-890 –

Disabling of hostname verification for SSL certificates. When the HTTPS endpoints of API Gateway are invoked with a self-signed certificate, the Developer Portal displays the SSL exception message.

This issue is resolved. The hostname verification is disabled by default using the new setting ‘disable-host-name-verifier’ added to the application-dev.yml file.

The default value of this setting is ‘true’.