I saw on the webMethods site that you can Web Service “enable” existing Java software with three mouse clicks, no coding etc…
Is this true? I just went through the developer4 tutorial and they did indeed integrate some Java code into the project but it was much more involved than that really (well it was when I had to fix their code!)
It’s sorta untrue. Actually, any wM service is accessible as a web service with 0 mouse clicks. Read this e-zine article: [url=“wmusers.com”]wmusers.com
Of course, as you point out, you DO have to write the service if it doesn’t exist. Three mouse clicks (which you do to generate the WSDL so the callers can call your service the right way) isn’t going to magically make your DB tables, or your CICS transaction, or your ASP page, etc. suddenly web service accessible. You get to do that yourself.