Web service connector host name resolution

From the new box can you do a command-line ping of the server? If not, there may be a firewall or subnet constraint that may need to be changed.

Coudl you please describe further ?
where do we have to change subnet constraint ? could you specify the location pls ?

The Integration Server Web Service Connector is a Flow service. Look in the First Flow Sequence step of the WSC. Look at the First Branch in that Sequence. There should be a Flow Map Step for each port defined in the WSDL that you generated the WSC from + 1 more labeled $default. The $default case is used if you call the WSC without the “port” parameter - which is generally the case because people don’t mix ports very often, but it is nice to setup one WSDL for dev/QA/staging&prod and use a single parameter to switch environments, but I digress.

Inside each of these Flow Map Steps are settings of the field “address”. This address contains the value in the WSDL soap:address field (aka the endpoint).

Modify these Flow Map Sets to contain the new host that contains the endpoint and assuming you can ping the new host as suggested already, life should be good as it was.


“where do we have to change subnet constraint ? could you specify the location pls ?”

Hostname resolution and subnets are network things, not BC things. There is nothing in BC to configure hostname resolution control or subnet control.

Can you ping staging-gfsbroker.uk.ema.pwcinternal.com from your new BC box? If the new box cannot communicate at the network level to that server, then BC (and your web service) won’t be able to either. Confirm the network level stuff first.