Variable Length Flatfile implementation issue

1,John,25,123 Main St
2,Jane,30,456 Oak St,Apartment 5

Here im taking sample input as this to parse a variable length getting below error

[Could not run ‘’ [FFP.0014.0003] Variable Length file format invalid, file ended before record filled [FFP.0014.0003] Variable Length file format invalid, file ended before record filled
at pub.flatFileImpl.convertToValues(]

Can anyone please help out with this.

Hi Manikanta,

can you add screenshots for your FlatFile-Dictionary, -Schema and -DocType please?

Which version of wM are you using?
Any Fixes applied your instance?


@Manikanta Please share the scheme definitions screenshots as well ?

I’m still learning how to work with variable length; I’ve made numerous attempts, but they don’t work.

I’m still learning how to work with variable length; I’ve made numerous attempts, but they don’t work.


can you share the “Flat File Structure” tab as well, please?


Based upon the data shared, the type of parser you want is Delimiter not Variable length assuming your intent is to parse each row into records with fields (elements in an IS document).

Assuming that is what you want, for the data you shared, the record delimiter is newline and the field delimiter is comma. You’ll also want to define the quoted release character and the release character – specifying these will allow the data values to have delimiter characters by escaping them. Read the documentation on this for details.