Validate Schema

hello anybody could helpme how to validate schema below is the flow
but i am get errors while execution


i am getting error:

Could not run ‘validate’. [ISS.0062.9024] Integration Server does not support this type of object in validation DOCUMENT System ID: null Public ID: null

thanks in advance


Try converting XML Node to document and then pub.schema:validate. That should work.


Actually, pub.schema:validate works best when validating an XML node object against and IS schema created from an XSD. If you map the inputs to validate correctly, it will work as described in the built-in services guide.

Can you expand on what you are mapping to the input parameters of the validate service?


hi mark,

I am mapping node to object input parameter and IS doc type to conformsto input parameter in Validate Service,pls let me know what i am doing wrong


I believe that in order to validate an IS node your conforms-to needs to be set to the fully-qualified name of an IS schema created from an XML Schema XSD file.


hi mark,
I have set conforms-to the fully-qualified name of an IS schema created from an XML Schema XSD file,still i am not able to validate


Please read Built in service reference for pub.schema:validate service. It seems that you are not using proper combination for validation.

What error are you getting now? Perhaps the node you are attempting to validate is not properly formed or incomplete.

hi mark
if i validate schema thru pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument its validating,but pub.xml:xmlStringToXMLNode its not validating,giving below error

Could not run ‘validate’. [ISS.0062.9024] Integration Server does not support this type of object in validation DOCUMENT System ID: null Public ID: null

in both i am validating to same schema,in first case document is mapped to object,in second case node is mapped to object,should i specify anything differently


Hi There,

You need also need to map different input to “conformsTo”. If your input to “object” is webMethods document which is result of xmlnodetodcoument service then confirmsTo should be ful path of webMethods doctype. If your input to “objet” is node which is result of xmlstringtonode then input to “conformsTo” should be webMethods schmea object which you create from XSD Schema file.

Hope this helps… This is explained in detail in inbuilt services guide.


Hello, I’m facing the same problem with this. (currently using IS Version Updates IS_8.2_SP2_Core_Fix14)
And the current solution of my problem is with snehalsm * method.

Is there any way how to fix pub.schema:validate [ISS.0062.9024] Integration Server does not support this type of object in validation DOCUMENT System ID: null Public ID: null

Btw many thanks to Snehal for alternative solution…

FYI - This error is expected because “Currently, only XML, pipeline, and document (IData object) validation are supported.”