Using Tamino API for C


Can anybody help me about the usage of the Tamino API for C? I want to use it somehow in my application in order to load and retrieve non-XML documents…


Hi Ladybug,
I guess you got the example(s) compiled and running by now using the correct header files? In order to load and retrieve non-XML data, the two functions tac_load_from_file() and tac_retrieve_to_file() are provided (also in source code!). Please refer to the documentation for their function signatures.

P.S.: Please not that the whole non-XML content has to fit into your main memory.

Gerald Ristow
Tamino R&D

Unfortunately I did not. :frowning: I tried to compile and run ?Load_Retrieve.c? but it gives error for ?tac.h? that it cannot open include file. Then I included ?TaminoAPI4C.h? and ?TaminoAPI4C_2.h? instead and linked them in the Visual C++. I also added the lib directory to the path variable as mentioned in the documentation. Then I again tried to compile but this time it gives 9 errors like ?unresolved external symbol _tac_get_messagetext?. At this point, what should I do to run this example? Can you help me?


Hi Ladybug,
the problem you encounter is rather odd. The missing function _tac_get_messagetext you mention is defined in TaminoAPI4C.dll as is the rest of the tac… functions. How come you do not get errors for _tac_init or _tac_end which are defined in the same library file? For linking under Windows, you will be needing the TaminoAPI4C.lib file. Please refer to the documentation of your C/C++ IDE on how to make it known to the compiler.
Perhaps you should start with the simpler example Diagnose.c also given in the examples folder.
Hope you will get it running soon…

Gerald Ristow
Tamino R&D

Hi Ladybug,
I think I know what you’re referring to.
You need to provide Tamino library name to the linker. If you’re using MS Visual C++, try /link parameter.

eg: cl program.c /link TaminoAPI4C.lib