I’m currently exploring the API Gateway particularly in creating URL Aliases. My current IS version is 10.1.
This is my goal, I want to mask the URL of my API
Here are my challenges,
I created an alias in the API Gateway UI but the alias doesn’t take effect. So, I went to the IS of the API Gateway and add the URL Alias there. After that the URL Alias works.
When having a dynamic variable path in my URL, the varPath is treated as if its part of the URL Alias, Hence the API Gateway returns
Object Not Found (
where “testVarPath” is the variable Path for my API.
I would like to delete the “/gateway” in the URL: https: // apigatewayhost / gateway / myApiName
I want to hide the URL of my API:
http: // /gateway/myApiName
http: // /myApiName
I tried to follow the same procedure as you, creating an alias and changing the watt.server.url.alias.partialMatching parameter to true, but the call is still done via the old URL.