Urgent Manager Console 615 Rules removed for JDBC connections autonatically


We are using Manager server 6.1.5 and Manager Console 6.1.5

I have art_connection_down rule which is using the Object filter DCA
to check the status of the object.

Earlier the rule showed the instantiations for both QA and PROD IS jdbc adaptors(When we look in the rule editor, we can see this rule instantiations).

But now suddenly some of the rule instantiations (related to QA) are missing.

when i look at the system tab I dont see the rule associated with the QA jdbc managed resources (Which used to be earlier as identical to prod)

If any one can suggest me quickly regarding the problem it would be great.

Added to the above

We have migrated one new package to the QA from DEV. This uses some JDBC adapters.

I think I problem came after we migrated the Package to the QA (not sure).

In case some new package migration to the IS do we need to restart the IS so as the manager server to monitor properly…

Please do reply to this issue urgently.


I rectified the above problem.

Description: The rules in the rule editor of the manager console 6.1.5 (optimize) suddenly disappeared.

Environment: Manger Server 6.1.5, Manger Console 6.1.5, Windows server 2003, SQL Server 2000

Reason: There was some inconsistency in the data base tables which caused this problem.

Solution: Rectified the problem by removing the inconsistency records in the specified tables.

Step1: Log into the database (Controller database)

Step2: Executed the Following queries

Select * from dg_analysis_rule_has_action where actionid not in (select actionid from dg_analysis_action);

The above query returned a row with actionid=1.

There was a foreign key reference in the DG_ANALYSIS_RULE_HAS_ACTION table without corresponding primary key in the DG_ANALYSIS_ACTION table.

To cleanup the data run the following statement:

Delete from dg_analysis_rule_has_action where actionid=1;

Note: The value (1) for the actionid can be different in your case.

Step3: Shut down the manager console (Optimize)

Step4: Stopped the webMethods BAM Controller Service on the Server where the controller is installed (for windows , Look in the start->Administration Tools -> services and right click the service to stop it).

Step5: Start the webMethods BAM Controller Service on the Server where the controller is installed (for windows , Look in the start->Administration Tools -> services and right click the service to start it).

Step6: Login into the Manager console (optimize). The rules appear in the ‘Rule’ tab.

Solution Source: webMethods Advantage site/Knowledge base