I rectified the above problem.
Description: The rules in the rule editor of the manager console 6.1.5 (optimize) suddenly disappeared.
Environment: Manger Server 6.1.5, Manger Console 6.1.5, Windows server 2003, SQL Server 2000
Reason: There was some inconsistency in the data base tables which caused this problem.
Solution: Rectified the problem by removing the inconsistency records in the specified tables.
Step1: Log into the database (Controller database)
Step2: Executed the Following queries
Select * from dg_analysis_rule_has_action where actionid not in (select actionid from dg_analysis_action);
The above query returned a row with actionid=1.
There was a foreign key reference in the DG_ANALYSIS_RULE_HAS_ACTION table without corresponding primary key in the DG_ANALYSIS_ACTION table.
To cleanup the data run the following statement:
Delete from dg_analysis_rule_has_action where actionid=1;
Note: The value (1) for the actionid can be different in your case.
Step3: Shut down the manager console (Optimize)
Step4: Stopped the webMethods BAM Controller Service on the Server where the controller is installed (for windows , Look in the start->Administration Tools -> services and right click the service to stop it).
Step5: Start the webMethods BAM Controller Service on the Server where the controller is installed (for windows , Look in the start->Administration Tools -> services and right click the service to start it).
Step6: Login into the Manager console (optimize). The rules appear in the ‘Rule’ tab.
Solution Source: webMethods Advantage site/Knowledge base