Hi ,
How Can we create an monitoring on Schedulerservices which are Scheduled.If suspended give an email notification.Thanks in Advance.
Hi Narren,
You can use webMethods Manager, with OMI Monitoring.
It allows you to monitor how many times a service got executed in a given time interval.
In your scenario, it would allow you to monitor and send an email if service did not get executed in a specific time interval.
Hi Chirag,
I really appreciate for the information.One more question i have,WM Manager i didnot installed so i need to install ??!!
Could you please explain more clearly with steps involved.
I really appreciate your help in this regard.
Thanks guys!
I resolved this issue without WmManager and OMI.with an simple flow service.
thanks to one and all.
Please give some details of what this flow service does. I am sure all of us will be interested.
This is an simple flow service which i want to schedule it to monitor schedulerServices as a ‘WatchDog’ for Running/Suspended.
Please dont ask me why a scheduler service will be suspended for any reason…!!.
It takes the TaskIDs and from each TaskIDs will get the Task Info in which looks for execState=’Suspended’ and emails the status of the Schedulerservices to the concerned persons.
Hope this solve the purpose.