Unknown session or session timeout


My software is:
Windows 2000 Professional PL + SP3
Internet Explorer 6.0 PL

I tried to add new location directory, so I click on “Location Management”. Unfortunately, it does not work. After about 40 seconds I got the following error:
“Error. Unknown session or session timeout”.

What is the cause of this problem?

I also can say, that I restarted my computer but unfortunately, this problem appeared again…

best regards,
Dariusz Baumann

hello dariusz,

can you try to do the location managment using the argbatch command line tools?

does this fail also or does it work?

andreas f.

First of all, thanks for a quick reply. :slight_smile:

I tried in the command line in this way:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Software AG\argbatch add location product=tamino path=c:\myloc location=mylocation

I go the following messages:
Command started at: 2003-02-26 13:43:19
Running for product tamino on target node ‘myhost’
Job identifier = 0006d0003e5cb668-00
Info: (INOAAI0009) Add location ‘mylocation’ at c:\myloc(2003-02-26 13:43:20)
Info: (INOAAI0631) Location ‘mylocation’ at c:\myloc successfully added (2003-02-26 13:43:20)
Command ended at: 2003-02-26 13:43:22

So in this way, it works.

Unfortunately it still does not work in Tamino Manager.

What is the cause of this problem?

best regards,
Dariusz Baumann