Universal Messaging - monitor channel

Product/components used and version/fix level:

Universal Messaging - 10.11
Integration Server - 10.11

Detailed explanation of the problem:

I’m trying to create a flow that analyses a channel in the Universal Messaging and is able to detect when it’s full.
Since this has to be automated, I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve the information found in the Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager in order to use it to perform checks and analyze how much traffic is coming into those channels.
Is there a way to do this, preferably without using Java code?

You can use the Prometheus metrics: Reverb

Thank you Stephane.

Just for curiosity, is there also a way to create a flow service using services already present in the Integration Server?

Yes, you can create a flow service that use a custom service or a default service already present in the IS/Designer like the services of WmPublic package.

If this answer is not what you desire, please open a new thread with more details on your question.

The best and easy way to expose UM metrics is via http end point and scrape it with Prometheus, you can enable alerts and if needed visualise with Grafana.

You can also enable UM to write those metrics in log file but you will still need to use some logging tool to read, aggregate.

CLI is third option

UM Enterprise manager itself has capability to configure alerts.

As there are multiple ways, check what’s available in your org as monitoring standard and try to leverage it with one of the above options for emitting the log data in needed format.


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