Hi All,
I am getting an ACI error 0215 0146 but it is happening on a receive after my server has registered. My aci server is written in C on OS/390
The broker is secure, and I see that a 0146 error can be returned by the Security Facility.
Am I on the right track and if so, how would I resolve it?
EXX Version 721
Hi Garth,
my guess is that this is a transport problem. Are you using Entire Net-Work or Adabas SVC is a transport ? In this case error 0146 has the following meaning:
An invalid buffer length was detected by the Adabas interface routine.
What is the message length your ACI client is using ? With Net-Work / SVC the maximum message length is a bit less then 32k.
Hi Rolf,
I am using 32K exactly via SVC. I am going to shorten it and retest.
The EntireX documentation of the error class 215 contains only the error numbers created by EntireX or the most common errors returned from the Adabas/Net-work transport layer:
This error class is returned when EntireX Broker is not available or the data/message transport to EntireX Broker is currently interrupted. Also, configuration problems in EntireX Broker or the communication methods involved can cause this error class. The situation can be examined using the error code returned. See Adabas Messages and Codes or the Entire Net-Work Messages and Codes manual.
So in case you get an undocumented error please check the mentioned Adabas/Net-work manuals.