I am trying to do invoke a REST service of type DELETE from another flow service where I use a pub.client:http method to send the request string.
Issue: The called service does not have any data in the pipeline. I even tried by sending the data as stream. I tried the tracepipeline service in the called service and noticed that no input data is present.
[1666]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0002C] — END tracePipeline —
[1665]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 remotePort {java.lang.String} = ‘60999’
[1664]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 remoteIp {java.lang.String} = ‘’
[1663]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 localPort {java.lang.String} = ‘8700’
[1662]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 localIp {java.lang.String} = ‘’
[1661]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 2 ipInfo {com.wm.util.Values} =>
[1660]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 Content-Type {java.lang.String} = ‘application/json; charset=UTF-8’
[1659]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 Authorization {java.lang.String} = ‘Basic UkVTVFVzZXI6UkVTVFVzZXI=’
[1658]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 Host {java.lang.String} = ‘dashrwmis002.lex.lexmark.com:8700’
[1657]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 Accept {java.lang.String} = ‘image/gif, /’
[1656]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 3 User-Agent {java.lang.String} = ‘Mozilla/4.0 [en] (WinNT; I)’
[1655]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 2 requestHdrs {com.wm.util.Values} =>
[1654]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 2 method {java.lang.String} = ‘DELETE’
[1653]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 2 requestUrl {java.lang.String} = ‘/rest/asset/deleteBookmarkedAsset’
[1652]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 1 http {com.wm.util.Values} =>
[1651]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 1 subprotocol {java.lang.String} = ‘HTTP’
[1650]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 1 protocol {java.lang.String} = ‘http’
[1649]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0008C] 0 transport {com.wm.util.Values} =>
[1648]2015-12-30 09:50:47 EST [ISP.0090.0001C] — START tracePipeline [12/30/15 9:50 AM] —
Please help me solve the issue. Does pub.client:http not allow the DELETE method?