Unable to reload package in IS


Kindly help me on this issue that im seeing whenever I tried to reload package in my IS server using IS Admin console, I am seeing this issue:

“Package is locked. Package is probably in process of loading”

I already checked the package using the deployer and didnt see anyone that is locking it.


This message is not about locks created by Developer but indicates the lock which occurs during a package is loaded. Under normal circumstances this occurs only if you try reload a package twice in a short time, so th second reload tris to take place while the first isn#t finished.
There is probably a problem with the package, either a hanging startup service in the package load or a missing dependency.


Thanks. Youre right that this wasnt caused by development lock.

Well, to fix this, I just restart my IS server.

Hello Manuel Lopez, is there any other alternatives? Because I can’t restart the production server! I hope there’s any backdoor method such as threadkill or something in particular? I do have similar problem when reloading all JDBC packages, some of databases was shut down but the connection keep looking for it.

Kind regards


It is not good idea to reload a package whose services are currently used by server threads/processes.

It may result into undesired results.
