Loading and Unloading a package

Hi Team,

Can anyone please help me understand , if we reload the package WmPublic ,what other components get affected?

I could see the below in the logs WMTomcat also gets loaded.

WmTomcat: Shutdown service (wm.tomcat.admin:shutdown)
Web Container shutdown completed
Unloading WmTomcat package

What could be the effects of reloading these if some services are already running on the server.


Hi Priya,

In general if any package is reloaded manually then any dependency packages will also get reloaded automatically.

In this case you reloaded WmPublic and so WmTomcat is considered dependency of public package so it must have reloaded per the design and thus in the logs!

Please check it.


Reloading the Wm* packages in live environment is not strictly recommended as it may cause the services to fail (dependent on Wm*)

Explain your scenario of reloading the package, we can suggest an alternative.

Thank you all for the reply.


reloading WmPublic package is mostly neccessary when changing the fileAccessControl.cnf file used by pub.file services.

Restarting the whole IntegrationServer will be an alternative.

All packages which declare that they depend on WmPublic package in their manifest.v3 (see Package Properties in Designer) will be reloaded automatically together with the base package WmPublic to maintain class loader hierarchy.


Yes I second with Holger :))