Unable to publish a document to broker


I am new to webMethods my Problem is when i am trying to publish a docume by using pub.publish:publish services i got this error

com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ISS.0098.9007] Data does not conform to the Publishable Document Type RNSAPPoc.Docs:PIP3A4POORDER errors: INVALID
List of errors:
[0] pathName=/PurchaseOrderRequest errorCode=VV-005 errorMessage=[ISC.0082.9034] Field is absent, field must exist

pelase can u help me

this is my publishable document

[SIZE=2]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

CPFI 3000 OO 10 3250 3250 3250 2004.05.29 3A40001 10 IAD-108000 1 EA 56.000,00 USD CFR 0002

Thanks in Advance,

Have a Nice Day…

The structure of your publishable document type specifies one or more required fields. You must populate these fields with values prior to attempting to publish the document to the Broker. You get this message when you do not do this.

BTW, your post showed an XML string as your publishable document. You can’t publish an XML string directly to the Broker without first creating a publishable document type. You could put your xml string inside a text field in the publishable doc type.


Looking at the document name it seems you are implementing rosattanet PIP3A4, make sure you map all the required fields. If you need a list of necessary field s just go to the document type and check for each field the following properties: Required, Allow Null. These two pros indicate wehter a field can be null/required at runtime while publishing a doc type to broker