Hi Atul, welcome to our forum. Before I answer I like to understand your problem right.
When we talk about “mapping” in our pipelines two values, this means we are linking the variables of the same together.
What you are asking for is however on the level of the content / payload, you want this to be manipulated / transformed to meet your predefined values.
Is that correct?
Hi Holm,
Let me describe the problem more clearly:- I have a document as an input which contains a field, say, priority=3. And I want to map this to the salesforce’s status field(I am using Salesforce Connector). But in salesforce, the status field is a dropdown (containing values as, let’s say- Sev 3, Sev 4, etc.).
Now, I want a mechanism to map my field to salesforce’s field (based on condition, say, if input priority equals 3 map with Sev 3).