I have attached a ZIP file with a main WSDL file (Config1.wsdl) and 2 .xml files that are imported by the main WSDL file…
When I try to create a Web Services Connector using the main WSDL file I get an error “unable to locate the root element”…
I am using IS 6.5sp1 and Dev 6.5sp2…
These files are from SAP for their MDM (master data management) product…
I simply downloaded them and fixed the imports to point to local files…
Any suggestions out there?
MDM-WS.zip (2.95 KB)
It could be that the Web Services Connector wizard is not able to handle the fact that your WSDL is split into three files. Breaking the WSDL apart like this is a WS-I / best practices recommendation now (late 2006) but is still not very common and certainly wasn’t a common practice back in 2002 or when the WSC was written (and when it last had any new functionality added).
Try reassembling your WSDL into a single file and pointing the WSC wizard at the combined file.
Now, anyone who is a regular reader here is probably familiar with my low opinion of the Flow generated by the WSC wizard.
Generate a sample flow from any doc/lit style WSDL, study that code for a few minutes and then write your own with improved error handling and parameterization of dynamic variables like SOAP endpoint addresses. If you’ve been working with Flow for more than a few weeks, you won’t have any trouble exceeding the (poor) quality of what the WSC wizard generates.