Unable to invoke adapter service - Exception caught Get : Java heap space


When I tried to run an MQ adapter I got the below exception. Can anyone help me to resolve the issue.

[ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service
[ADA.600.1055] Exception caught Get : Java heap space
Java heap space
Caused by: com.wm.adk.error.AdapterServiceException: [ADA.600.1055] Exception caught Get : Java heap space
Java heap space
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Thanks Regards

Chitti Ramesh

Hi Chitti,

Does this interface deals with large data transfer (put/get)?

Do you have Trace mode enabled for MQ Adapter from IS admin to capture some MQ traces? If so, you have to disable after some time. Having it enabled for a lot of time will keep adding MQ trace messages into the object and this might result in heap error.


check the setting of JAVA_MAX_MEM in setenv.bat
you may want to change it to a larger value.

Thanks Senthil

You are right. I have enabled the trace mode for MQ Adapter from IS admin to capture MQ traces and forgot disable it. I have disabled it now.

Chitti Ramesh

Glad to know you found the root causeā€¦
