Unable to create a Tamino database

  1. I had the following two errors while installing Tamino XML Server on my Windows 2000 Professional OS:
    – Error 1904. Module D:\Tamino\Bin\sxcall.dll failed to register. HRESULT. Contact your support personnel.
    – Error 1904. Module D:\Tamino\Bin\inostren.dll failed to register. HRESULT. Contact your support personnel.

    2) I tried to create a Tamino database from Tamino Manager, but I cannot find anything for that. Am I looking to a wrong page? (I am looking for something like a button for that…)

    3)In the documentation part, when I click “Tamino XML Server”, it gives an error message: “Documentation Set Not Available”. And in the “Say Hello!” example, it says “please refer also to the section “How To Create a Tamino Database” in the Tamino documentation” but such a section is unavailable within the document.

    What should I do?

My guess: fix 1) and 2) and 3) will be solved

try to uninstall Tamino first.

Error wile registering a module may be due to unsufficient rights of Install User. Make sure the User under which you start the installation has Administrator rights on the machine.

Repeat installation.

If error occurs again, check INO*INST.LOG in your %TEMP% directory. It should tell more about the error.

