UM assets deployment

Hello FML2

If someone builds an IS pub/sub solution (using wM messaging), they will have IS publishable doc(s) using protocol buffer encoding + wM Messaging Trigger(s) + pub/sub service(s). These will be contained within IS package(s).

When they save the IS Doc in Designer and do a “Sync Document”, the IS creates the necessary google protobuf descriptors and the channel that corresponds to the IS doc gets created on UM. The protobuf descriptor gets attached to the channel. This is used by UM for server side filtering.

A wM Messaging Trigger subscribes to the IS doc. The trigger receives messages from the corresponding UM channel. If the trigger uses a Provider Filter, this is created/updated in UM when the trigger is saved in Designer.

So far, so good?

Regarding deployment of a pub/sub solution from IS / UM to a new environment. Deployer can be used to migrate packages containing IS docs, services, triggers, etc……

The deployment of the IS publishable docs (with protocol buffer encoding) using Deployer to the target IS will cause a synchronization of the document with the provider (UM) and this will create the corresponding channels on the target UM. Same as what happens if you manually save/update the IS doc using Designer, except Deployer does it under the covers.

Also, when wM Messaging triggers (with Provider Filter) are deployed (using Deployer) to the target IS, this will also update UM with the provider filter info.

Therefore, using Deployer for IS packages (including IS docs, triggers) will deploy the major pieces of the IS / UM pub/sub solution.

As I mentioned in my earlier reply, UM assets can be extracted from the realm (into XML) and then deployed using Deployer. However these assets are things like realm configuration, ports (interfaces), channels, queues, etc…. These UM realm assets will likely be required for a complete solution but the deployment of the main IS pub/sub components are taken care of by Deployer.


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