UI-decisions in Date-Range Picker (used in Cumulocity DataHub)

Sharing two annoying common experiences I have with the Date-Range picker, as used in i.e. Cumulocity DataHub:

1.) It’s not possible to select the final days of the previous month in the picker (they are visible but cannot be selected)
→ On the “standard” Date-picker of i.e. Usage Statistics the final days of the previosu month can also be selected, even though they are greyed-out.
This difference can also be observed in the style guide and also applies to the Date/Time picker: Components / Cumulocity - Styleguide

Expected: It should be possible to select the greyed-out days of a previous month in all types of Date picker

2.) Position of arrows changes after first click.
When opening the Date-Range picker for the first time, it shows only the current month just like a normal date-picker.
Knowing that you need to move several months into the past, you select the “<” arrow several times, but after the first click the UI changes to a two-month view and the arrow is moved to a different location.

Expected: The UI-elements should not move (perhaps show immediately two months when opening the Date-Range picker?)

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