products versions - Big Memory Max 4.3.10
Currently SAG product container registry has the UBI base images for Big memory max 4.3.10 and TMC.
This Topic helps you in creating the Ubuntu 20.04 base images for Big memory max 4.3.10 and TMC.
Knowlege on Docker topic
Steps to follow
The steps required to follow for creating Ubuntu base images for Big memory max 4.3.10 and TMC are available in the word document attached as assets.
Next steps
The Ubuntu base images for Big memory max 4.3.10 and TMC can be pushed to the docker hub and can be used in any of the projects where OS is Ubuntu to spin up a docker container or a Kubernetes pod.
Useful links | Relevant resources
BigmemoryMax_Ubuntu_Image.docx (90.5 KB) (19.3 KB)