Type Mismatch,

Time mismatch, String Expected:

Option1: If I create SAP ALE/Listener Adapter Notificaiton, then Adapter publishable document showing the following field as coming as string /DELVRY03/IDOC[0]/E1EDL20[0]/E1EDL24[0]/E1EDL15[0]/EWAHR

Option2: But if i create SAP Document type, then the above filed type in webMethods showing as “object” and wrapper file is “double” [This is definition correct as per SAP Documentation)

I am using option1 for our implementation, Because of the above issue, even though SAP sends right data to webMethods, it is failing in publishing adapter publishable document.

Please advise how to resolve the issue.

Thanks in advance.

As suggested by software AG, installed the fix "WmSAP_6-5-0_SP1_Fix14
" and recreation of SAP ALE/Listener Adapter Notificaiton for DELVRY03 resolved the above mentioned issue.
