Type mismatch, String expected

com.wm.adk.error.AdapterException: [ART.116.3010] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error publishing notification
SapPro.Adapter:notifyDELVRY03. Error: [ISS.0098.9007] Data does not conform to the Publishable Document Type
SapPro.Adapter:notifyDELVRY03PublishDocument errors: INVALID List of errors: [0] pathName=/DELVRY03/IDOC[0]/E1EDL20[0]/E1EDL24[0]/E1EDL15[0]/EWAHR errorCode=VV-004 errorMessage=[ISC.0082.9030] Type mismatch, String expected

Currently value which is coming in the field is 0.0000000000000000E+00

We are receiving the IDoc from SAP and it is getting published by using ALE/Listener notification. while publishing it getting failed and thowing above error.

Please advise how to resolve this issue.