trying to modify an xml document stored with ino:docname thr

X-Application Version: 3.1.3
Tamino Version :
Platform : Win2k Professional
WebContainer : Tomcat 4.0.4
JDK Version : 1.3.1


1. Generated an XML document with X-Application

2. Viewed this document with XML-Spy (retrieve by URL)

3. Saved this document with XML-Spy to Tamino via URL using a filename, e.g. “clonedDoc” (http://localhost/tamino/mydb/Collection/Doctype/clonedDoc)

4. Browsed documents and viewed this document with X-Application

5. Controlled that this document exists in Tamino with correct ino:id and ino:docname

5. Trying to modify the stored document (stored with filename “clonedDoc”) with X-Application throws the following exception:

StoreException occurred: update failed

Help message: An administrator should have a look to the stack trace to analyze the error.

Exception id: 161
Exception Type: MajorEnvironmentException

Stacktrace as attachment

Best regards,

Jan Harmsen

[This message was edited by Christian Freytag on 21 Mar 2003 at 09:03.]
error-message.html (8.21 KB)


attached you find a bugfix which allows to modify (update) XML documents having an ino:docname with X-Application.

How to apply this bugfix:

1. Unzip

2. copy to your X-Application install directory into the following directory:


3. change into X-Application directory and run:

build.cmd quick

4. copy the file lib/debug/xapplication.jar into the WEB-INF/lib directory

5. restart Tomcat

Best regards,

Jan Harmsen
Software Engineer
Software AG (11.3 KB)


this bug is solved with X-Application 4.1.1 when using XQuery to retrieve the documents from the database.
