I am trying to do my own Natural tool to query DDM ,
I want to send a DDM and ddm field and display my query,
I dont want to write one program every time a need a DDM query
I already use NATURAL ONE , it has a decent DDM data browse but
it need more deep filters .
It would help if you would list specific problems, rather than “it doesn’t work.”
Your code sample is based on Natural’s Dynamic Source Text Creation/Execution feature. Refer to the documentation on the RUN statement. I don’t think the RUN statement works properly in ONE, so you may need to test your code in your target (native Natural) environment.
If you can get the RUN statement to work, then remember that SCC Toolkit was developed for mainframe use. If the components you need happen to use READ statements to access Adabas FUSER (source code) or FDIC (Predict DDMs) files, you will need to replace them with user exits (SYSEXT), because ONE maintains source and DDMs in the file system, not Adabas.
if you go to the “Report” tab on the Data Browser, you can choose how you want to access your data - physical (default), by ISN, by any Descriptor and provide start/end values and limits to number of records retrieved.
Once you have the data in a report, you can sort it by any column, ascending or descending. Extract the report as a CSV and you and play with it as a spreadsheet (e.g. in Excel).
I already use Data Browser , it only let search with descriptors fields. I need report data to my customer on test fase program i need arrange data in colum :
Register 1->>>>
-field 1.
-field 2
-field 40
-Field N
With data Browser i can only have this format ->>>
register 1 field1 field2 field3
This format doesnt fit in 1 screen line when you have 40 fields in one line.
“it doesn’t work.” sorry for this , this is a example of my mistakes with english In my mother language i can explain better but i promise i take note for future topics. thank to you again.
I have acces to mainframe console and Natural One , i use both every day. I need to send a documentation report to my costumer , I need report 40 fields (in column) with data browser i cant do that, i am doing my own program in mainframe for reports.
I dont want to rewrite everyday a program to do reports , changing data definition when i need to query a different ddm, rewriting half code every day.
But your reply help me a lot.
Sorry again for my mistakes with english , and thank you for you help again.