I have a requirement of displaying a table inside a table. Below first row is parent table columns and TaskID, TaskType,TaskCreated, Status are child table columns.
When the user clicks on (+/-) the child table has to be in visible/invisible mode. The table details are displayed using web service connector’s output. The output of the service connector has a doclist(Child table details) with in a doclist(Parent table details).
Can any one help me in creating a tree table for displaying details as below using service connector.
Thanks in Advance.
- Mobile Number, ServiceReqID, ReqType, DateCreated, Status -
-43590 (+/-) 32023 chageplane 02-01-09 open -
TaskID, TaskType, TaskCreated, Status
- 100 QueueReceived 02-01-09 close -
- 101 plan changed 02-01-09 close -
93202 (+/-) 2908 std plane 02-01-09 open -
TaskID, TaskType, TaskCreated, Status
- 200 QueueReceived 02-01-09 close -
- 201 plan changed 02-01-09 close -