Trading Network not recognizing segment terminator

We are encountering an issue when processing EDI transactions from one of our trading partners.

The EDI document is submitted through the ‘Submit Test EDI Data’ option within the EDI Module of the Integration Server. When processing the document, it appears the internal webMethods processing determines the segment terminator from the ISA segment and places the value within a parameter called ‘record’ within the processing variable ‘@delimiters’.

One of our test cases involves an 850 purchase order document within the version 3020. The issue occurs when the segment terminator ‘µ’ is not identified and placed into the ‘record’ parameter. As a result, there is no segment terminator identified and the process ends with error.

The ISA segment is similar to the example below……

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~01~0123~01~ABCD~050317~0906~U~00200~900000049~0~P~>µ

Tim try changing your encoding value when submitting the document to TN.
Try ISO88859-1.



It’s actually ISO8859-1.
See this post.